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Remote Online Work / Speech Recording at Datavio / America Jobs
This job ad has been posted over 40 days ago...


Full-time Remote Online Work / Speech Recording

at Datavio in Denmark


My name is Jeroen Kappelhof.
I work as a Team Leader for the company Datavio.
Currently another new recording project has started, for which I would like to invite you to participate.

The project is for BMW/Mini with the goal of testing the voice system for their vehicles.
For this purpose, I am looking for 75 participants from Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Portugal from different regions of different genders, to collect multiple voices, pitches and accents.
The participants have to be native Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or Portuguesespeaking residents.
You also need to be in the country during the recordings.

It is a relatively small and simple project that requires participants to speak 90-100 short phrases/commands. (for example: "Hey BMW" or "Hi BMW, how is the weather today").
This takes about 25 minutes of your time (30 minutes including reading the instructions).
The phrases/commands are already created beforehand, so you don't have to make up anything yourself, it is simply click on "record" and speak.

The payment for participation is 10-18 euro, depending on the country.
The payment will be made with paypal or a direct bank transfer, whichever you prefer.
I'm based in Europe myself so I will be paying you directly in euro.

It is a one-time project.

I will send you a link to a website where you have to fill in some personal information (gender, age, province/country and place of residence) and then you can start right away.

All you need is a laptop or desktop and a headset or earphones so you can record the phrases.

In short, after accepting the project, I will send you the link with some additional instructions and then you can immediately complete your participation at a time convenient for you, preferably within 2 days after receiving the link and instructions.
If you need a little more time, please let me know upfront.

If you are interested, reply to this post or send me a message.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Kappelhof
Reference : Remote Online Work / Speech Recording jobs

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Published at 11-06-2024
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